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Breast Surgery

Breast surgery is one of our plastic surgeon’s special areas of focus, and Dr. Thomas Crabtree offers a comprehensive variety of treatments designed to renew the appearance of the breasts with beautiful and natural-looking results. Advanced options available at Crabtree Plastic Surgery include breast augmentation with implants to enhance breast volume and fullness, breast lift (mastopexy) to reduce signs of sagginess for a more youthful projection, breast reduction to help patients who suffer from breasts that are too large for their body, breast reconstruction to restore the breasts after a mastectomy, and more. Dr. Crabtree’s breast enhancement procedures are custom-tailored to your unique needs and goals in order to produce results that meet your expectations and help you feel great about your appearance. 

The links below will take you to pages on our website that describe each breast surgery procedure in detail. For additional information, or if you would like to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Crabtree, please contact us today.