Home|Procedures for Men|Gynecomastia Surgery – Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia Surgery – Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a male condition that affects the chest, often occurring during puberty and lasting into adulthood. It creates the look of having larger breasts and a less athletic contour. It is caused by heredity, weight gain and occasionally hormonal imbalances. This imbalance may root from medications or substance use, liver or thyroid problems, or just a natural teen occurrence that may or may not go away on its own. Patients with gynecomastia may be embarrassed when their chests are exposed. A male breast reduction surgery can correct gynecomastia, and Dr. Thomas Crabtree can reshape the chest to a more masculine appearance.

Your Consultation

Gynecomastia surgery can be used to address both your cosmetic and physical concerns. Dr. Crabtree will use your initial consultation as a time to listen to your goals and design a custom approach for results that meet your expectations. The consultation is also used to provide you with more detailed information about the risks and benefits of Gynecomastia surgery, allowing you to make well-informed decisions about your health.

Your Procedure

Surgery usually involves some combination of liposuction and removal of breast tissue. Excess skin may need to be removed as well. In most of the techniques the incision is completely hidden and not visible once healed.

Your Recovery

All male breast reduction procedures are performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure at an accredited surgical facility. The surgery typically lasts about an hour. Following surgery, there will be some swelling, and a compression garment should be worn for 1-2 weeks. Most patients are able to resume normal work schedules within a few days, and incorporate exercise within 4 weeks. This surgery allows men to feel more confident when exposing their chest due to a firmer, flatter chest. In most cases, scarring is inconspicuous.